Feb 13, 2013

Divided media is the new media

Most of people all multitasking all the time. Attention is lost to multiple medias and screens constantly. Part of this is about the raising lack of skill to focus attention to one task, but part of it is real multiscreen usage. There are so many medias available instantly and people are learning all the time using those better and better.

As an example, when I'm reading a magazine and there's something interesting there, I pick up my phone and google it. Then if there's more on it to read later, I most often send myself email to check it later.

Google has made a really good report and enjoyable report on how frequent and popular this is nowadays. Here's the direct link to the report and below it is embedded. I encourage to check it through.

The main message I got from this is that whatever you are working with, you need to get your stuff together in all different medias. This report was about usage with different devices, but that's not all there is. Other than just devices there are so many different medias inside web also. There's this search based discovery, social media presence and video presence.

Even though it might seem complicated and laborious, it's not necessarily. What it means at minimun, that you try those out. Try googling your services, products or speciality with different devices. Try searhing youtube or social medias with those same. Walk the talk, try the multiscreen and multichannel usage. That gives already quite a good idea if it working for you or not.

Written by +Henri Hämäläinen

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