Feb 24, 2014

Book Review: The Essential Deming: Leadership Principles from the Father of Quality

This time I got my hands on the book The Essential Deming: Leadership Principles from the Father of Quality. I have to admit that I wasn't really excited to read the book. Demings thoughts have been coming up from so many different directions, that I wanted to give him a shot. I'm glad I did, his thoughts were marvelous.

This book isn't really a book and neither it is written by Deming. This book is a collection of Demings writings, personal notes and speeches from throughout his career. It goes through all the main thought Deming was talking about in his books and his teachings. It tells those in a bit shorter format, but I think it was enough for me.

The book goes quite far back to 1950's and 1960's in telling what has been the problems with companies back then. Strangely the problems haven't really changed that much from those years. Of course many aspects have changed, but the underlying problems are the same. Also many of the solution proposals hopefully suit to current organizations as well.

I mark to books pages I will come back later for reference or future investigation. From the books I've read this might have had most markings done by me. There were quite a few good thoughts and sentences that will come handy in the future.

I have to admit that Demings thought were not totally strange to me. I've read those from multiple sources beforehand, but this was the first time I read his own words. That might have helped me a bit on understanding this book. It's not difficult book to read, but it needs some thinking to understand.

It was an excellent book and I enjoyed it. Even though it's old, thoughts are valid and valuable. This is a book which many if not all the the people who care about their organizations improvement should read.

Written by +Henri Hämäläinen


  1. Sometimes the older books can be a great model. We can see what what was working and not working as history often repeats itself. These kinds of book are great to have around when you are in a leadership role, always learning is a real key. I am currently reading Become an Elite Mental Athlete by David Silverstein, davesdots.com. It's a really short read about the health of the body and mind and the rold that plays in your leadership and work. I recommend it to my employees and as a group we are putting some of his tips to work so we will see how that goes.

  2. I have to say, I haven't been really in the older books before. I always thought that the ideas get old, when the world is renewing all the time. I admit I was wrong, some thoughts keep really well on time.

    Thanks for the book tip. Went to my reading list immediately.


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