Jan 7, 2011

My thought about book Innovation X

I read this one some months ago already, but for some reason I never actually released this post about Innovation X (why companies toughest problems are its greatest advantage) . It's a book from Adam Richardson from Frog Design.

Book Innovation X is mainly about understanding your business much better. It helps you to understand that in the world we live in, there is competition coming from everywhere. Local stores don't only compete with other locals, but anyone in the web selling the same stuff. And for example movie theaters don't compete only with TV and web showing movies, but they actually compete with other media consumption ways, about the time and space used for any entertainment. Understanding that there is competition coming from everywhere can actually be your greatest advantage, as the book will explain.

Book is full of good thoughts and valuable information, especially via it's examples. Those are fun to read and really add value to the book and reader. Actually I found examples being the best part of the book. In some cases text turned out to be bit longish and could have been written in a more colorful way. Actual content, the idea, on the other hand was inspiring and widened my thinking on competition.

It's not "fun and easy" to read as many business books nowadays, but it's full of good stuff about how competition field for all products have enlarged a lot. It gives good tips on how to be acknowledged about competition and your own product. I think it's definitely worth of reading and I recommend it if you have anything to do with product or service creation of any kind.

Written by +Henri Hämäläinen

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